Saturday 25 July 2015



This week’s lecture was about learning theories. Learning is a psychological process that is been validated by school thought, by theorist like

v  Skinner, Pavlov through learning theory Behaviorism.

v  Vygotsky, Piaget through learning theory Cognitivism

v  Bandura through Social learning

v  John Dewey and Jerome through Constructivism.

These theorist spend a lot of time experimenting, observing and reasoning human and animal’s behaviour. The theorist helps learners to understand the picture that cannot be easily observed through their mind.

The learners should be able to be creative thinkers, collaborate, communicate as well as have problem solving skills



It is a psychological process based on positive and negative reinforcement. The negative reinforcement is the punishment or the learner observe negative reinforcement. The learner is also influenced by environment stimuli is seen now as passive without knowledge.


Image result for observing fighting


It also a psychological process that focuses in the mind of the learner. The activity that happen inside the learner’s mind. How the learner think, knowing of problem solving skills and memory. The learner is an active participant in a learning process. The learner is able to construct knowledge and analyse information through his /her mind. The example the learner learned to be aggressive by observing parent fight or by experimenting abusive treatment from the parent. What the learner, learned at home can be able to relate to friend who are bullying him /her at school. Learner‘s cognitive level has developed. Vygotsky proposed as Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD).  Now is able to store the information, organised and strategized.


This theory focuses on how a learner around the community imitate others by observing, compare. For example the learner can be involve in fighting because the imitate friends. The concept of self-efficacy is a belief that the learner can defend him / herself but not having fighting skills
Image result for social learning


In this theory the learner is an active, can be able to process everything through his / her mind. The learner can now is able to actively construct his / her own presentation what is good or bad as the learner also gain an experience. There maturity of understanding


Image result for constructive learner


Saturday 18 July 2015

Information Literacy 707 (1)

On Tuesday in the class I have learned a lot about literacy Information. the different concepts or terms like "Bibliographic instruction", "Information literacy", "user education", library instruction all these  terms have been used before, which describe the teaching in the library. Bibliographic instruction is used as teaching of the patrons, how to use the library, as the time goes on the collection in the library becomes more.

Information Literacy and Higher Education

Developing lifelong learners is central to the mission of higher education institutions. By ensuring that individuals have the intellectual abilities of reasoning and critical thinking, and by helping them construct a framework for learning how to learn, colleges and universities provide the foundation for continued growth throughout their careers, as well as in their roles as informed citizens and members of communities. Information literacy is a key component of, and contributor to, lifelong learning. Information literacy competency extends learning beyond formal classroom settings and provides practice with self-directed investigations as individuals move into internships, first professional positions, and increasing responsibilities in all arenas of life. Because information literacy augments students’ competency with evaluating, managing, and using information, it is now considered by several regional and discipline-based accreditation associations as a key outcome for college students › ACRL › Guidelines, Standards, and Frameworks

the ACRL which is responsible for designing the framework for all the libraries in High education. that is the (Association Colleges Research Libraries )
.the past decade there was a transition between Bibliographic Instruction and Information Literature the problem was the librarians who wanted to focus on teaching the problem solving skills and those who wanted to focus on general access skills. There was a lot of librarian who advocate that the library must be an education centre and the librarian must be educators. some librarians stress that the must be cooperation between the faculty and the librarian.
  • During the 21st century things change because of the technology every collection was digitalised there was a necessity to teach the student how to search for the online information. searching the database for journals , newspaper, magazine, eBooks etc. 
  • This blog is much interesting because Amy is doing the what the librarian should be doing organising workshop for students using space that they have at the library.
  • I am going to participate to this course with my colleagues in the class. our participation will be brainstorming ideas that we can do.
  • Since I am working in public library the literacy information is good by teaching patron how to use a computer. There are lot of patrons who can use the computer, by closing that gap between the  Y generation and X generation the library can improve.